Monday, October 1, 2012

Snack time?

B: Can I go get a snack before I start my other work?
Me: Sure, as long as it doesn't make a mess.
(B goes to the cafeteria, and returns promptly with a bag of Cheetos, a bag of Cheez-its, and some regular potato chips.)
Me: Please tell me that's not your lunch...?
B: Nah, this is an appetizer.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Too soon?

Me:'s a two-part book about a man's experiences in concentration camps during the Holocaust.

V: (pumps fist vigorously) YES!!!

J: Did you just get excited about the Holocaust?

*** stunned silence followed by laughter from the class ***

G: Guys! Guys! We just found the first time in history that it's okay to laugh about the Holocaust!